Tuesday, April 19, 2011



This probably seems a little strange.  After all, I already have a blog and a tumblr, too, for images and such.  Why do I need to take up more space in the blogosphere?  Haven't I done enough damage already?  Well, if you follow me over at A Space for Inspiration you know I have lots and lots and lots of things I'd like to be when I grow up: a (professional) dancer, actress, singer, a physical therapist, well traveled, an author, an expert cake-decorator.  One of my most cherished dreams though is to be a mom someday.

I know.  I'm young (21).  I'm still in school: I have years of establishing myself professionally still ahead of me.  Don't worry blogosphere, I have no intention of rushing into anything anytime soon. . . but I do intend to be a mom someday.  And while I'm still young and new at this whole "life," thing, I feel like we all learn lessons everyday.  Sometimes I see or hear or discover or realize something and it impacts me.  I want to save those things to share with my kids someday.  I want them to know the world is beautiful and challenging and scary.  I want them to know they've always been part of my plan.  I want to save those random moments of clarity, so I can share them with them someday.

I want something tangible to be able to hand to my twelve year old daughter - so maybe she'll feel better about herself at that age than I did. . . do now, most days.  I don't want that thought to slip through my fingers in the years between now and the first time my son struggles with something I don't have the words to help him with.

And I know people don't like to think this way, but what if something happens to me?  I mean, before my kids are grown?  They'll have something they can go to even if I'm not there.  God in heaven forbid. . .

So instead of writing out a journal or series of letters (a. my handwriting is terrible, b. the life of a performer is the life of a gypsy and I'd hate to loose something like that) or trying to keep it all in my head, I'm posting it here.  And yes, I know it's public - and thats ok.  It takes a village, right?

So if you're my future child reading this, I got a jump start on embarrassing you in public.  If you happen to be my family or friends, please share anything you think will help someday.  If you're a stranger who wants to follow along. . . feel free.

What follows are all the things I hope I remember to say.